Tuesday 8 May 2007

Paris Hilton jailed for 45 days....

Million Dollar babe Paris Hilton aged 26 is preparing to go to her new home for 45 days.... In Los Angeles' Century Regional Detention Centre, she will be cosy in her 3.7m x 2.4m cell far from her five-star luxury lifestyle with a sink and toilet right next to her bed and an amazing view out of her 150mm window =D
Paris was jailed because she breached her driving ban conditions, but she will be separated from other inmates within the all women prison for her own safety.
She is expected to serve her time starting on June 5th, so she has a little time to soak up some more of her currant millionaire lifestyle before she goes to the box....

Here is a video of her cell.... Nice ey?


Anonymous said...

If she can crack that window i think
she should be able to squeeze through
there :)

Rosco said...

lol, yeah she is a bit on the skinny side =D

Papa Mook said...

i noticed a typo: when you said 'babe' i think you meant 'dog'

Rosco said...

"i noticed a typo: when you said 'babe' i think you meant 'dog' "

Wouldnt you though? =D